Arnprior & District Quilters' Guild Newsletter - March 2024
President's Message

Welcome to our March newsletter. Some kind of weather eh. Seems a shame to me to be meeting online, but I know some people hate to be driving late, so…
Anne and I were both fortunate to have joined several of our members to attend the afternoon meeting of the Renfrew Guild last week. It was great to see how a different guild operates and what they do. We got a few good ideas which you may see in the future. Remember we had them join us last year. They gave a trunk show.
Hope you are enjoying the Zoom meetings. I really enjoyed last month's speaker and the question period following was also interesting. And I won a door prize.
So, looking forward to seeing you all in person in April. Hope you all have lots for show and tell. In other words hope you are getting lots done. I would love to see some of the on line quilts “in person”. See you online next Wednesday.
-- Co-leader Joyce
Anne and I were both fortunate to have joined several of our members to attend the afternoon meeting of the Renfrew Guild last week. It was great to see how a different guild operates and what they do. We got a few good ideas which you may see in the future. Remember we had them join us last year. They gave a trunk show.
Hope you are enjoying the Zoom meetings. I really enjoyed last month's speaker and the question period following was also interesting. And I won a door prize.
So, looking forward to seeing you all in person in April. Hope you all have lots for show and tell. In other words hope you are getting lots done. I would love to see some of the on line quilts “in person”. See you online next Wednesday.
-- Co-leader Joyce
March Guild Meeting
When? We hope you'll join us on Wednesday March 27 for our final winter meeting via Zoom. The meeting begins at 7 PM with "doors opening" at 6:45 PM Watch your email a day or two before the meeting for the link to connect to this meeting. How? A basic familiarity with Zoom is required by meeting attendees and can be acquired in advance of the meeting using the Learning resources on the Zoom website Win! The meeting will feature draws for "door" prizes, and a prize provided by Nancy on behalf of the Library. Visitors We are welcoming visitors to our winter Zoom meetings this year and we are waiving the usual $5 visitor fee. Visitors must register in advance of the meeting. Guest Speaker
Sandra Mollon - Adapting an Image for an Art Quilt Sandra is an award-winning quilter living in Northern California. In this 1 hour lecture, she will describe the process for adapting an image or photograph into an Art Quilt. Sandra's Web Site
Show & Tell
We'd love to see what you've been working on at our virtual Show & Tell.
To share your work at the meeting please send a photo of each item AND indicate if you would like to:
Please send the photos to the guild email account by 12 noon on Tuesday March 26.
The photos will later be added to the web site Show & Tell page (just like after an in person-meeting), unless you specifically request in the email message that the photo not be.
We'd love to see what you've been working on at our virtual Show & Tell.
To share your work at the meeting please send a photo of each item AND indicate if you would like to:
- Tell us about it during the meeting (this is the best!) OR
- Submit a written description that we will read during the meeting - if you go for this option please include the description with the photo(s).
Please send the photos to the guild email account by 12 noon on Tuesday March 26.
The photos will later be added to the web site Show & Tell page (just like after an in person-meeting), unless you specifically request in the email message that the photo not be.
Program Notes
Block of the Month (BOM)
The information for the next 2 blocks of the month will be available shortly after the March guild meeting.
The BOM blocks are themed for each month of the year, and as there are only nine months in the Guild season, we'll have provided two patterns in the months of January, February and March, so that by June you will have a full year of 12 blocks.
The samples of the 2 Blocks of the Month issued in February are pictured below. In the set of 12 blocks, these represent the months of March and August.
-- Mary DeVries and Emma Russell, BOM Coordinators
The BOM blocks are themed for each month of the year, and as there are only nine months in the Guild season, we'll have provided two patterns in the months of January, February and March, so that by June you will have a full year of 12 blocks.
The samples of the 2 Blocks of the Month issued in February are pictured below. In the set of 12 blocks, these represent the months of March and August.
-- Mary DeVries and Emma Russell, BOM Coordinators
Tip: If you want to print the small or large photos of the BOM blocks it's recommended that you first download the photo(s) from the guild website to your computer/tablet/phone using the Download/Save function in your web browser. Then print the photos using the Print function on your device. The specific actions that you will need to take are dependent on your web browser and the type of device you are using.
I have booked Spruceholme Inn in Fort Colounge, Quebec for two future retreats:
I will have signup sheets ready for our next in person meeting in April.
-- Sue Hodgins, Retreats coordinator
I have booked Spruceholme Inn in Fort Colounge, Quebec for two future retreats:
- October 28 to November 1 2024 for 4 nights
- January 27 to 31 2025 for 4 nights
I will have signup sheets ready for our next in person meeting in April.
-- Sue Hodgins, Retreats coordinator
I hope you all are enjoying this project. The trading seems to be going quite well but if you are having difficulty exchanging please contact me or another member close by. I can usually trade from here. Just please call to be sure I am available and I will arrange a trade. We want everyone to have lots of blocks in their tin. I thought I had given everyone a list of the “tinner” members but you can call me at 613-623-5513.
-- Joyce
I hope you all are enjoying this project. The trading seems to be going quite well but if you are having difficulty exchanging please contact me or another member close by. I can usually trade from here. Just please call to be sure I am available and I will arrange a trade. We want everyone to have lots of blocks in their tin. I thought I had given everyone a list of the “tinner” members but you can call me at 613-623-5513.
-- Joyce
Demo Suggestions
We are hoping to leverage our talented guild members to offer demonstrations and instructional sessions to our membership. Please send your suggestions to the email below. We will compile the list and see if and how we can make it happen!!
-- Lucy Shorey, Programs
We are hoping to leverage our talented guild members to offer demonstrations and instructional sessions to our membership. Please send your suggestions to the email below. We will compile the list and see if and how we can make it happen!!
-- Lucy Shorey, Programs
* * * * * * Schedule of Guild Meetings and Activities * * * * * *
* * * * * * * Photos from our April 2023 Quilt Show * * * * * * *
Thank you to the executive volunteers who have committed to join, or stay on the executive team.
Co-Presidents: Anne Cruickshank and Joyce Murray Treasurer: Rennie Hickey Program: Lucy Shorey Charity: Marilyn Erskine Librarian: Nancy Haley Membership: Martha Palmer Communications: Janet Brownlee Past President: Vickie MacNabb And YOUR NAME could be here too! Secretary: ??? Note: A special thank you to Betty Rehbein who attended our recent executive meetings to record the minutes. |

The months are flying by and I just want to encourage everyone to keep up the good work in your Preemie donations, Bird blocks for the Raffle quilt and the Cheater Cloth Charity quilts. There are more kits in our meeting hall, so in April you can choose one if you haven't already.
Please remember that I am here to fulfill any material or batting issues that you may have. I'm glad that we're meeting in April, you can deliver anything you've accomplished then and I will endeavour to have more Preemie backings and batting for you.
Thank You,
We recently received these thank you notes from the daughter of Harry, pictured below with his placemat.
The months are flying by and I just want to encourage everyone to keep up the good work in your Preemie donations, Bird blocks for the Raffle quilt and the Cheater Cloth Charity quilts. There are more kits in our meeting hall, so in April you can choose one if you haven't already.
Please remember that I am here to fulfill any material or batting issues that you may have. I'm glad that we're meeting in April, you can deliver anything you've accomplished then and I will endeavour to have more Preemie backings and batting for you.
Thank You,
We recently received these thank you notes from the daughter of Harry, pictured below with his placemat.
Note sent to Nancy Peck (pictured above) Program Coordinator, Arnprior-Braeside-McNab Seniors at Home Program:
We just received Dad’s meal order and he was so surprised and delighted to receive your kind gift. He loves the placemats and he is so appreciative of your thoughtfulness! Thank you and all the staff and volunteers for your many kindnesses! Subsequent note sent to ADQG: Dad would be so happy if you could pass his thanks and appreciation on to the Quilters Guild. He was grateful to receive the placemats created by your Guild Members, as he truly appreciates the time and talent that went into making them. He uses them daily! It was a wonderful gift. This gift made him feel so special and as he said “I feel remembered”. |
We had 48 members attend the meeting on January 24th, as well as 3 guests enrolled on the Zoom call. Our speaker, Joanna Dermenjian, explored the valuable role quilters of all ages in Canadian communities, large and small, supported the war effort, particularly in the Second World War. Sharing information about this little documented area of quilting was of high interest to all attending. Joanna's Suture and Selvedge Website
Our membership is now at 82 members which is the highest it has been since 2019. We continue to welcome new members to our guild.
-- Martha Palmer, Membership
Our membership is now at 82 members which is the highest it has been since 2019. We continue to welcome new members to our guild.
-- Martha Palmer, Membership
Visit to Renfrew Guild
by Janet Brownlee
We had a great response to the invitation from the Quilters Guild of Renfrew and Area, with 20 of us joining them at their March 12th afternoon meeting in the Horton Community Centre. We were warmly welcomed and had a wonderful time. It was so interesting to see how our neighbouring guild functions.
Their meeting kicked off with some business, followed by their draws - our strong presence helped to set a new record for their 50-50 draw prize!
Show and Tell quilts were nicely displayed on a clothesline.
We had a great response to the invitation from the Quilters Guild of Renfrew and Area, with 20 of us joining them at their March 12th afternoon meeting in the Horton Community Centre. We were warmly welcomed and had a wonderful time. It was so interesting to see how our neighbouring guild functions.
Their meeting kicked off with some business, followed by their draws - our strong presence helped to set a new record for their 50-50 draw prize!
Show and Tell quilts were nicely displayed on a clothesline.
This cute child's quilt was inspired by the story book The Little Ghost Who Was a Quilt.
This striking bird quilt gave me some great ideas for my yet unmade bird block for our guild's next raffle quilt.
We were invited to bring along some Show and Tell and Vickie showed her tote bag that she made at last year's guild workshop.
"This Tote Me Tote Bag workshop was given last year by Elaine Edwards. I found that I wasn't using it much because I didn't like the way it sagged out on the sides when I put stuff in it. So I fixed it by adding a recycled purse zipper into my bag, and now I have been using the bag more!"
"This Tote Me Tote Bag workshop was given last year by Elaine Edwards. I found that I wasn't using it much because I didn't like the way it sagged out on the sides when I put stuff in it. So I fixed it by adding a recycled purse zipper into my bag, and now I have been using the bag more!"
My Communications role in the our guild compelled me to be a bit of a walking advertisement for our guild, so I brought along my Mystery Quilt from last year and my little table topper from the Melissa Marginet Walking Foot workshop in 2022, and her 2 books.
The meeting featured a pop up shop by Cathy and Lisa of Quilter's Curve and a very informative demo by Lisa on how to use up scraps.
At the break we enjoyed the refreshments, socializing and had a chance to visit the pop-up shop. Quilters' Curve is a longtime supporter of our guild through their advertising in our newsletters and I enjoyed chatting with Lisa and Cathy (and a little shopping too!)
We also enjoyed meeting some of the Renfrew guild members and seeing our ADQG friends.
The Renfrew guild has a strong focus on education and learning and the last part of the meeting was 3 demo stations that we could visit.
like us, their guild also encourages "lug-a-mug" to their meetings and the demo for making a mug tote bag was very popular. Thank you Debbie C for taking some photos of the samples and the instructions.
like us, their guild also encourages "lug-a-mug" to their meetings and the demo for making a mug tote bag was very popular. Thank you Debbie C for taking some photos of the samples and the instructions.

There were actually 22 ADQG members at the meeting - Chris G and Sue H are members of both guilds!
Having hosted the Renfrew and Area Quilters Guild members at our June 2023 meeting and recently visiting them, we look forward to seeing each other again.
CQA Activities
You can monitor the evolving plans for Quilt Canada 2024 here.
The Canadian Quilters' Association is very active on social media and you can follow along on Facebook or Instagram. Browse the CQA Events Calendar for information about quilting events across Canada by province, territory, or date. CQA Quilt Along
The CQA started a Mystery Quilt Along in December that is open to everyone. More info
Upcoming Quilt Shows
I try to track down any upcoming shows in Eastern Ontario, and when requested, I publish information about shows that are further afield.
Here's a list of the upcoming shows that I'm aware of. The list is growing!
Here's a list of the upcoming shows that I'm aware of. The list is growing!
Location |
Dates |
Guild |
Oakville ON |
April 19-20 |
Oakville Quilters’ Guild |
Paris ON |
April 27 |
Paris Quilting Bees |
Fonthill ON |
May 3-4 |
Niagara Modern Quilt Guild |
Port Perry ON |
May 10-11 |
Port Perry Patchers |
Jerseyville ON |
May 31 – June 1 |
Hamilton Quilters’ Guild |
Ottawa ON |
June 2 |
Ottawa Modern Quilt Guild |
Ottawa ON |
Jun 14-15 |
Common Thread Quilt Guild |
Edmonton AB |
June 19-22 |
Quilt Canada – Canadian Quilters’ Association |
Almonte ON |
September 7-8 |
Fibrefest – Mississippi Valley Textile Museum |
Belleville ON |
September 7-8 |
Quinte Quilters Guild |
See the Upcoming Quilt Shows page on our websitefor detailed information about the shows listed above.
- You can find the up-to-date quilt show information at any time on our web site More... --> Resources --> Upcoming Quilt Shows
- If you know of any upcoming local shows that are not listed on our web site, please let us know so we can share that information with all of our guild members. We are often asked by quilt guilds from both near and far to advertise their shows and we are always happy to do that.
- Browse the CQA Events Calendar for information about quilting events across Canada by province, territory, or date.
Community Events
Hintonburg Fabric Flea Market
Facebook: |
Kanata Great Ottawa Makers Destash Market
Facebook: |
Guild Facebook Group
Have you joined our guild members-only Facebook Group yet? If not you are missing out on all the fun. This is a great way to get to know your fellow guild members, to ask questions, learn a new block, a new tip or trick. Last year we saw some lovely photos of the Block of the Month quilts being assembled and finished off, and much more.
Thank you Tina for monitoring and facilitating the activity in this group to provide this wonderful guild initiative!
Hope to see you in our Facebook group soon. Click/tap here to join the group.
Thank you Tina for monitoring and facilitating the activity in this group to provide this wonderful guild initiative!
Hope to see you in our Facebook group soon. Click/tap here to join the group.
Thank you to our newsletter advertisers! Your support funds our Communications budget which includes the hosting of this web site. We are very grateful for this financial support. Our advertisers for this year are:
- Auntie Em's Scrapbooking & Quilting in Cornwall ON
- Bytowne Threads
- Happy Wife Quilting in Carleton Place ON
- Paisleys Quilt Shop near Carp ON
- Quilters Curve quilt shop in Combermere ON
- Sew Inspired quilt shop in Arnprior ON
- Watergirl Quilt Co quilt shop in Prescott ON
THANK YOU to Joyce, Sue H, Marilyn, and Martha for their guild updates, and other news this month. And special thanks to Debbie and Vickie for the photos from our Renfrew visit!
-- Janet Brownlee, Communications & Newsletter Editor
-- Janet Brownlee, Communications & Newsletter Editor
Our next meeting is on April 24 and it will be in person!