Arnprior & District Quilters' Guild Newsletter - March 2023

Please note: April 19th is the revised date for our April meeting, which will be an "in person meeting". This will be one exciting meeting to see all the challenges that have been created, and to choose members viewer's choice!
While I was looking for a picture to add to my message, I came across this this picture of a busy lady sewing and thought it was appropriate for this month since we are all franticly finishing off quilts to put in the show. This website, happens to be the site of a bunch of good info. There's more information about this website below under the heading "Tip from Vickie".
Hope to see you at the Zoom meeting on this Wednesday, March 22 at 7pm.
-- Vickie MacNabb, ADQG President
March Guild Meeting
When? We hope you'll join us on Wednesday March 22 at 7 PM on Zoom. Watch your email a day or two before the meeting for the link to connect to this Zoom meeting. Win! The meeting will feature draws for "door" prizes, and a prize provided by Nancy on behalf of the Library. Visitors We are welcoming visitors to our Zoom meetings this year for a $5 fee. Visitors can register here. Guest Speaker
Our guest this month is Tracey Lawko
Tracey is an award-winning quilter, longarmer, embroiderer, and textile artist. She combines her love of traditional needlework techniques with free-motion longarm machine stitching to create realistic landscapes and still life that are drawn with thread. Tracey’s textile artwork has been selected for many prestigious North American and International exhibitions, including CQA’s National Juried Show, Grand National Quilt Show, MQX, AQS Quiltweek, Art Quilt Elements, Fantastic Fibers, Fibreworks, Ontario Society of Artists, Society of Canadian Artists, and the Textile Biennale of Mini-Textiles in Angers, France. One of her landscapes has been selected for the permanent collection of the US National Quilt Museum in Paducah, Kentucky. She is a member of the Canadian Quilters Association, York Heritage Quilters Guild, Embroiderers Association of Canada, Toronto Guild of Stitchery, and Craft Ontario. She is a Juried Artist Member of Studio Art Quilt Associates. She has now retired from being a CQA/ACC Certified Quilt Judge. A professional artist, Tracey is represented by Roberts Gallery in Toronto. She is delighted to speak to guilds about her work and sources of inspiration. Web site:, Facebook: TraceyLawkoTextileArt, Instagram: @traceylawko Show & Tell
We'd love to see what you've been working on at our virtual Show & Tell. To share your work at the meeting please send a photo of each item AND indicate if you would like to:
Please send the photos to the guild email account by 12 noon on Tuesday March 21. The photos will later be added to the web site Show & Tell page (just like after an in person-meeting), unless you specifically request in the email message that the photo not be. |
For those who have not been to a retreat at Spruceholm Inn before, it is a lovely place with plenty of accommodation for everyone to have their own room with bathroom, a very large conference room so everyone has plenty of space to set up their sewing equipment and the meals are quite good.
We hope that if further retreats are planned in the future that a few more Guild members will be able to attend; it is always a fun time.
Thank you to Joyce Murray for organizing the retreat.
-- Emma Russell
-- Vickie MacNabb
Refer to the Workshops page for more information and to register for this workshop.
-- Gwen Pennings
Have you got your Mystery Quilt top done yet? Or maybe even all finished? If not, there is still time to start. It is not a big project so can be completed fairly quickly.
Remember to use the cut off pieces from the Mystery Quilt to make a smaller project for this year's Challenge, a table runner or wall hanging; use your imagination!
Refer to the Mystery Quilt page for all of the details.

Instructions for all 12 blocks for the Block of the Month are now available on the Block of the Month page. There's still time to make this project!
If you have any questions about either of these projects, please don't hesitate to contact one of us.
We look forward to seeing all the finished quilts at the April meeting.
Happy Quilting!
-- Emma Russell and Mary DeVries
A huge thanks to those of you who have volunteered to make our guild season great so far, keep up the good work! We hope that everyone can enjoy a beneficial time together by helping out wherever you possibly can. Remember it doesn't have to be a big task, but if we work together it becomes less onerous. -- Vickie MacNabb on behalf of the Executives |
The online registration will be available March 27 - April 16th to enter your quilts into the show. So get a head start by making a list of the quilts you would like to enter and get your descriptions ready to submit. Tip: Type/tap the descriptions up in a document or email message etc. and then you can copy and paste them into your registration forms.
Please look at the volunteer tasks list on our website to consider what tasks you would like to help out with in the set up on Friday April 28, at the show in the tea room or on the show floor on April 29 and 30th, and take down on the 30th at 4 PM. We hope you are able to help us with a shift or more over the April 28, 29 & 30th show weekend. The volunteering schedule will be available to sign up at the April 19th meeting. If you are unable to attend the meeting please let a friend know to sign you up or let us know by an email with your position choices and we will sign you up.
In order to have an excellent quilt show, we need volunteers. Volunteers will enter at no charge when showing up to scheduled volunteer shifts at the show.
We encourage you to wear comfortable shoes so you can enjoy volunteering, browsing the show, promoting guild awareness, purchasing raffle tickets and some goodies at the vendors' tables, and having a tasty lunch at the tea room.
Viewers Choice Awards
At our Guild Quilt Show we will be asking visitors to fill out a ballot with their favourite quilt for our Viewers Choice award. The Canadian Quilters’ Association has donated a CQA Rosette Ribbon to our Guild and we have chosen to award the winner of our Viewers Choice with this Ribbon. The winner will have their picture taken with the winning quilt and then this will get sent to CQA (with the winner’s permission) and then the pic will be posted on The CQA website under CQA Rosette Winners Virtual Gallery. Our Guild will also provide a ribbon for our second and third place winners.
Photos of the 2022 winners of CQA Rosette Ribbons can be found here. Click/tap on any photo for additional information about the winner, the guild, and the winning quilt.
And here's a photo from our 2019 quilt show of Sharon Huffman with her "Dance of the Dragonflies" quilt, voted "Viewer's Choice" the CQA rosette ribbon she was awarded.
Pie plates will be handed out at the April 19th meeting to members who are volunteering to make pies for the tea room.
Raffle Baskets
Just a reminder we are still in need of items and baskets to fill our raffle baskets. The items can be brought to the the April 19th meeting.
Quilt Show Info on the Web Site
There is plenty of quilt show information for show visitors, and for our guild members on the web site now.
The Quilt Show 2023 page contains all of the general information to attract and guide visitors to our show. If you are promoting the show to your friends or on your social media please include a link to this page.
You can access this page from a link at the top of the web site Home page, and in the Schedule.
The ton of information that is relevant only to us guild members is on the Quilt Show Information for Guild Members page. This page will continue to be updated as more information becomes available - this is where you'll find the most current information, and access to the Registration Form.
You can access this page through a a link at the top right of the main Quilt Show 2023 page as illustrated below.
From the Guild Show Committee
Refer to the Charity page for information about participating in our various Charity projects, and for obtaining batting for your charity projects.
The Jelly Roll quilts are due at the April 19th guild meeting and they will be displayed at the quilt show.
Thank you!
-- Marilyn Erskine, Charity
- Block of the Month - The last 2 of the 8 blocks were revealed in January,
- Mystery Quilt - One set of instructions each month from September - November, and the mystery was revealed in December
- Challenge - Using the scraps from your Mystery Quilt, make another small quilted item
- Jelly Roll Quilt - Make a twin sized quilt from 2 1/2" strips to donate to our Charity initiatives. Fabric kits are available.
- CQA Guild Challenge - As a guild member of the Canadian Quilters' Association (CQA) we are entitled to submit one entry from a member of our guild to this year's CQA Member Guild Challenge. We were able to notify the CQA by their March 15th deadline that we will be submitting an entry this year. We are aware of one entry - if you are planning to enter this challenge please notify the guild. The quilts from all of the guilds will be judged and displayed at Quilt Canada in Halifax in June
Our guild leadership group are hoping that all of our guild members will participate in one (or more, or all) of these guild projects this year.
-- Janet Brownlee, Communications

I bought a couple of books for our Library, one of which, “Classic to Contemporary String Quilts” by Mary M. Hogan has me quite excited! A “string” is a variety of strips of fabric sewn together and can be of varying widths and even angles. After sewing them together, using backings, you can cut out your block shapes. As Mary writes in her book, “Taking a traditional block and interpreting it with strings, transformed it, giving it a fresh, contemporary look.” I’m really intrigued and can’t wait to try her system out, maybe on a small project to start.
Mary Hogan's web site

Our Library prize this month is “Underground Railroad Sampler” by Eleanor Burns and Sue Bouchard. It’s a beautiful book that includes a bit of history and lots of the quilt blocks that were used and an interesting story about each one. Good Luck!
Remember to keep your machines humming – the QUILT SHOW is fast approaching!
-- Nancy
-- Vickie MacNabb

SEA YOU IN NOVA SCOTIA QUILT ALONG was created for CQA/ACC by Dawn Piasta of Dewpoint Arts
Even if you can't make the trip to Halifax for Quilt Canada 2023 in June you can still experience the delights of the east coast of Canada by quilting along with us in this new project available block by block over the next 5 months.
The first three blocks are up so jump aboard here for this seaside adventure!
-- Canadian Quilters' Association
I try to track down any upcoming shows in Eastern Ontario, and when requested, I publish information about shows that are further afield.
Here's a list of the upcoming shows that I'm aware of.
See our Upcoming Quilt Shows page for more detailed information about the shows listed below.
- You can find the up-to-date quilt show information on our web site More... --> Resources --> Upcoming Quilt Shows
- If you know of any upcoming local shows that are not listed on our web site, please let us know
- Browse the CQA Events Calendar for information about quilting events across Canada by province, territory, or date.
Tina is doing a fantastic job of monitoring and facilitating the activity in this group. Thank you Tina for this wonderful guild initiative!
Hope to see you there soon. Click/tap here to join the group now.
-- Janet Brownlee, Communications
If you didn't pick up the list of guild members in the fall and you would like to get in contact with any fellow guild members - perhaps to ask about a pattern of a Show-and-Tell quilt, or follow up on something you hear at a guild meeting, or read in a newsletter, please send along an email message to the guild and we'll provide that person's email address and phone number to you. You can reach us at the guild email address or with the Contact Form. And participating fellow members can always be reached through the guild Facebook group. The member list is not circulated electronically in order to protect the privacy of your contact information online.
-- Janet Brownlee, Communications
- Auntie Em's Scrapbooking & Quilting in Cornwall ON
- Bytowne Threads
- Paisleys Quilt Shop near Carp ON
- Quilters Curve quilt shop in Combermere ON
- Textile Traditions fabric shop in Almonte ON
- Sew Inspired quilt shop in Arnprior ON
- Watergirl Quilt Co quilt shop in Prescott ON
-- Janet Brownlee, Communications & Newsletter Editor
-- Janet Brownlee, Communications & Newsletter Editor
I am still not so patiently waiting to restore our guild web site to its usual look-and -feel once a glitch in the underlying technology is repaired.