Next Meeting February 19
via Zoom Visitors welcome :: Join Our Guild
***** Photos from our April 2023 Quilt Show *****
In-Town Retreat April 11-12
Are you ready for some sew time? Join our in-town retreat and spend two days sewing, relaxing, visiting and laughing. The best part? You don’t have to plan for meals, you can sleep in your own bed, come back and do it all again the next day! Your sewing space will be just as you left it the previous day.
Members of our guild can register now. More information December Guild Meeting
Our December holiday potluck dinner meeting was a fun and festive celebration!
More photos and info November Guild Meeting
More photos and info
Read all about Joan O'Malley, the woman who sewed Canada's first maple leaf flag here. October Guild Meeting
The Skills Demonstrations were a highlight of our October 23rd guild meeting. We were in full learning mode as we rotated through 4 demo stations manned by 3 of our talented and knowledgeable guild members, and our Shop of the Month owner. Our first Fat Quarter Club night was a great success, along with our regular Show and Tell, Block of the Month, our Quilters' Recycling table, Charity projects and more. More Photos and Info
![]() September Guild Meeting
We kicked off our 2024-2025 guild year with our meeting on September 25th. Our meeting featured introductions of our various programs, a Favourite Gadget Show and Tell, and our regular Show and Tell. And we saw our guild member Rennie Hickey's Lilies entry that was on display in the Canadian Quilters' Association National Juried Show at Quilt Canada in June in Edmonton. Congratulations Rennie! More Photos and Info Join Our Guild!To register for the 2024-2025 guild year click/tap here.
Registration is open to new and returning guild members. ![]() We welcome new members to our guild!
If you are a quilter, or if you are interested in any type of quilting - traditional, modern, or specialties such as thread painting, we invite you to consider joining our quilt guild.
To register for the 2024-2025 guild year click/tap here. ***** We welcome guests to our meetings $5 guest fee ***** April Meeting
![]() We returned to in person meetings after a winter on Zoom and were treated to a presentation and trunk show by the very talented Katrina Kahn, a longtime member of our guild. More info and photos on our Blog Retreat
Our January retreat was productive and fun! More info on the Blog December Guild Meeting
We closed out 2023 with a very fun Christmas party that featured a yummy potluck buffet, a gift exchange and lots of cheerful social time. November Guild Meeting
Our November 22nd guild meeting was a fun and busy sew night for our guild's Charity projects. See the Blog post for photos and information about the meeting. October Guild Meeting
Our meeting on October 25th featured a most enjoyable trunk show by Cathy Price and Carol Darou and their stunning creations. See the Blog post for photos and information about the meeting. September Guild Meeting
Our meeting on September 27th was a great start to our 2023-2024 guild year with a fascinating guest presentation, information about this year's programs, show and tell and much more. Info and photos Tarts and Arts in the Park
Our Arnprior & District Quilters' Guild was represented by hosting a booth at the Arnprior’s Rotary Club second annual Tarts and Arts in the Park held at Robert Simpson Park in Arnprior on Saturday, August 26th. Many people stopped by to admire the quilts, share stories of quilts and some guest passes were given out to potential new members. Congratulations!
Congratulations to our very talented and long time guild member Brenda Davidson Payer for being awarded first prize at the 2023 Canadian Quilters' Association (CQA) national juried show in the Traditional - Wall and Bed Quilt category. Her quilt is titled "Perfectly Imperfect" and you can read more about it here on the CQA web site. Here's Brenda showing us her spectacular 1st prize quilt at our June 2023 guild meeting. QUILT SHOW April 29-30 2023 More Information
![]() Thank you to everyone who visited our quilt show on April 29-30 in Arnprior! We were delighted to see so many people supporting our efforts - show visitors, vendors, and our huge team of volunteers, both guild members and their families. We are so grateful to everyone.
A huge shout out and special thanks to our guild members who provided the 400+ quilts in the show. Photos And CONGRATULATIONS to the makers of the Viewers' Choice prize winning quilts!
First prize was awarded to Rennie Hickey for her Dear Jane quilt. In Rennie's words:
"The Dear Jane quilt was originally designed by Jane Stickles, in 1863 during the Civil War. Brenda Papadakis saw the quilt in a museum and decided to remake the pattern in 1996. There are 5,602 pieces in the quilt!" For more information about the fascinating "Dear Jane" quilt see the Jane Stickle article in our guild's June 2022 Newsletter. (It's near the end of the newsletter.)
Second prize was awarded to Brenda Davidson-Payer for her Rosemary Sampler. Brenda describes it as:
"Hand quilted, dimensional hand appliqué. Pattern is "Rose Sampler Supreme" by Rosemary Makham." Third prize goes to Nicky Barham for her My First Baltimore quilt.
"This was my first attempt at a Baltimore Quilt and as a novice quilter was very challenging. I love the story each quilt tells of the maker. We travelled from England in 1981 so I added in the ship, the Union Jack as well as the Canadian flag. This quilt took me over 16 years to complete and survived, thankfully a house fire!" Visitors to the Tea Room, where our quilts that will be donated to local charities were on display, chose Emma Russell's Leaves quilt as their favourite Jelly Roll quilt. Emma's description:
"We were given a bag of 2.5” strips and asked to make a Charity quilt from them. When I saw this picture on the cover of “Strip Therapy 12, Relapse” I knew I wanted to make it. I like it so much that I plan to make a quilt for myself in the same pattern." Congratulations to winner Gladys Armstrong whose raffle ticket was drawn for this stunning quilt made by our guild members. Here's a photo of Gladys with her new quilt.
April 2023 Guild MeetingWhat fun to get together with our fellow guild members face to face for the first time in 2023! After our 3 very interesting winter Zoom meetings everyone seemed happy to be back in the hall to socialize and to see actual quilts.
Our individual guild projects were all due at the meeting in time for our April 29-30 quilt show, and there were a lot of show details to communicate and sort out at the meeting. A number of the Jelly Roll quilts for our big Charity initiative were on hand, as well as a table full of preemie quilts, and stunning Show and Tell projects. All of these quilts and many more will be on display at our Quilt Show. December 2022 Christmas Potluck MeetingA very festive evening when we happily got back together for our fun Christmas potluck dinner meeting.
For more photos and information see the December Meeting Blog post. November 2022 MeetingWe accomplished a lot on our Charity projects sew night. This was a hands on evening of making Christmas gift bags and placemats, and preparation of materials for other guild Charity projects.
For more photos and information see the November Meeting Blog post. ***** We welcome guests to our meetings $5 guest fee *****
![]() October 2022 MeetingWe had a fun evening learning about 5 types of appliqué from 5 of our own very knowledgeable and talented guild members, and viewers' choice voting for our favourite 2021-2022 BOM challenge quilt.
For more photos and information see the October Meeting Blog post. September 2022 MeetingOur kick off guild meeting for the new guild season featured guest Paul Leger who entertained and informed us with his very interesting stories and his stunning quilts!
We also heard all about this year's upcoming activities including Block-of-the-Month, Charity strip quilts, and an upcoming mystery quilt and the associated challenge. What a treat to see so many familiar and new faces in person! For more photos and information about the meeting see the Blog. Emma's Terry Fox QuiltGuild member Emma Russell and her Terry Fox quilt, were recently featured in a story in our local Inside Ottawa Valley news in conjunction with the upcoming return of the annual Terry Fox Run in Renfrew on September 18th. A long time supporter and participant, Emma made a quilt from Terry Fox T-shirts and ribbons from previous runs. She has generously donated the quilt for a raffle with the proceeds going to the Terry Fox Run. Raffle tickets are available at Sew Inspired in Arnprior, from Emma and at various locations in Renfrew.
Our guild members saw this stunning and unique quilt at our March Show and Tell and heard its story then. Read the Inside Ottawa Valley story here June Meeting![]() We finally finished off our guild year with our June meeting in the park on a the beautiful evening of June 28th (after 2 postponements due to inclement weather). We enjoyed seeing our fellow guild members and lots of quilts including the challenge quilts, show and tell, and preemie quilts and touch quilts for our Charity initiatives. For more photos and information about the meeting see the Blog. May MeetingAfter many, many virtual guild meetings via Zoom, we finally got back together in person for our May guild meeting.
Our special first "back together" program featured a big yard sale of our quilt related stuff and a short business update as this was our Annual General Meeting. There was also Show and Tell, updates on our Charity projects, a 50-50 draw, gift basket draw, Library prize draw, door prizes, and much more. Read more in the Blog March MeetingOur March Charity night featured several guests from local charities that we support through our donations. It was a very informative evening with touching stories about the impact our quilts have on their recipients. Read more in the Blog
Guild Facebook GroupOur guild now has a private members-only Facebook group so members of the guild can share, learn, and keep in touch with each other.
January Guild MeetingOur first meeting of 2022 featured Krista Hennebury as our guest presenter. From her we learned a lot about accurate piecing and why this is important for all quilters in both traditional and modern quilting projects. An excellent presentation enjoyed by all.
For more about Krista and her quilts see Walking Foot Quilting WorkshopOur Walking Foot Quilting workshop with Melissa Marginet was sold out and enjoyed by all who participated in it on January 20. Read about it in the Blog.
December Guild MeetingAt our festive December meeting we enjoyed our guest presentation by Melissa Marginet who did entertain and inform us with her trunk show of quilts and interesting stories. We are looking forward to our January Introduction to Walking Foot Designs workshop with Melissa. See
November Guild MeetingOur guest speaker at our November meeting was Brandy Maslowski who shared her amazing and inspirational journey from fire fighter to full time professional quilter with us.
Brandy Maslowski is a fibre artist and teacher known for her pursuit of more joy and less overwhelm in the classroom. She loves quilting, hiking, travel and tea. From clumsy beginner quilter to showing her fibre art in galleries, Brandy has had a 30 year passion for fabric, stitch, colour, and texture. You can find her as the Quilter on Fire online and listen to her weekly podcast at
October Guild MeetingOur featured guest Cheryl Arkison presented Make Time to Play at our guild meeting on Wednesday October 27. What a treat!
Opening Night!Our first meeting of the 2021-2022 guild year was Wednesday September 22
Our accomplished, informative and entertaining guest speaker was Lise Bélanger Read more about the meeting in the Blog. Summer 2021 Scrap Challenge![]() The 16 guild members who participated in this challenge each received a paper bag of scraps in late June, to which they could add 1.5 m of a background fabric, and sashing, binding, and backing of their choice. The guild is providing batting and optionally backing, for these projects, many of which will be donated to a charity for distribution to their clients.
The participants submitted photos of their completed projects by August 27 and the big reveal of all of the quilts to the participants was on a Zoom call on September 1. What a fun way to pass these hot summer days! Previous Guild MeetingsAt our June 2021 meeting we welcomed a very unique and entertaining guest speaker, Joan Statz from Alberta. Check out her patterns on her web site Joan’s Own Creations
We welcomed back a longtime favourite guest at our guild, Patti Carey Catch up with Patti's latest patterns and news on her web site Patti's Patchwork. At our April meeting Elizabeth DeCroos introduced us to Pojagi, a traditional Korean textile art. Read more from Elizabeth on her web site Epida Studio.
![]() Karen Brown of Just Get It Done Quilts was our awesome guest speaker at our February guild meeting where she inspired us to become better quilters with lots of practical tips and a better understanding of recognizing our quilting strengths and weaknesses. More information
Our guild members have made 499 face masks for community members to wear when they're in the Arnprior & District Memorial Hospital for essential visits such as blood work, and for The Grove Nursing Home. Thank you to our guild members and others in our community who have dug into their fabric stashes, and overcome earlier elastic shortages to contribute face masks to these Arnprior Regional Health institutions. Face mask instructions Read about the amazing projects of individual members of our guild for other charitable causes in our May and June newsletters.
January Newsletter
December Meeting Highlights November Meeting Highlights Full Schedule of Meetings and Activities Join our guild for 2024-2025 Activities for Members
Block of the Month Charity Projects Fat Quarter Club Retreats Sew Days Tinners Workshops Upcoming Events
Guild Meeting
** Note date change Wednesday February 19 7pm Via Zoom |