We rounded out this calendar year and our fall in person meetings with the welcome return of our traditional potluck Christmas meeting. The hall was festively decorated with your charming Christmas themed quilts. As usual the food was delicious and the dinner conversations enjoyed by all. Thank you to people with surnames beginning with A-L for bringing all of those sumptuous dishes for the potluck. A highlight of the evening was the Christmas gift exchange game that Vickie organized. The game started with everyone choosing one of the gifts from the stage and choosing a number that determined the order of play. On your turn you had the option of opening the gift you selected, or to trade it, still wrapped, for a gift already opened by someone else. There was a lot of laughter and trading until we all had an opened gift. We all posed at the end for a group photo with our gifts. And we even captured a rare photo of Emma, our talented and dedicated photographer, when she handed her camera over to Vickie! Our Show & Tell included several beautiful seasonal items and other lovely creations. You can see photos of all of the quilts on the Show & Tell page. Draws The meeting wrapped up with our usual draws and some happy winners! Guess the Number of Pages in the library book - Emma Gift Basket - Jo 50-50 Draw of $29 - (I neglected to note the name. If you recall who won, please let me know!) Door Prizes Allison, Emma, Nancy, Joyce T, Jo, Rennie, Louise, Lucy, Georgene Thank You!
A huge thank you goes out to Joyce T and Tina M for doing kitchen duty - setting out the food and cleaning up afterwards. And to Vickie for organizing the evening and for the fun gift exchange game! -- Janet Brownlee, Communications Comments are closed.
April 2024